The Christian Teacher

Providing lessons, inspiration, and encouragement to Sunday School teachers and Christian educators.

  • The Importance of Prayer

    The Importance of Prayer

    Free Sunday School lesson for pre-teens on the importance of prayer using the King James Bible. (Begin the lesson with icebreaker, such as hangman to the word “prayer.” Then, have kids list things that they think we should pray for.)  We all know that prayer is important. It’s one of the 3 steps in developing a…

  • The Importance of Having a Relationship With God

    The Importance of Having a Relationship With God

    Sunday School lesson about the importance of having a relationship with God using the King James Bible. A relationship with God is something that is expected of Christians. However, not all Christians see it that way, and that’s mostly due to ignorance. They have no idea the benefits of having a relationship with God and the…

  • Good Intentions Vs Good Actions

    Good Intentions Vs Good Actions

    Free Sunday School Lesson for pre teens, teens, and older on Good Intentions vs Good Actions: the story of Ruth and Orpah. Turn to the book of Ruth (King James Version [KJV])  Have you ever planned to do something good, but never followed through? You planned to witness, read a Proverb every day, leave gospel…

  • Never Settle as a Christian

    Never Settle as a Christian

    Free Sunday School Lesson on why to never settle as a Christian for ages 10-12 and teens.  What does it mean to settle for something?  Sometimes, settling is good, so that you don’t end up living in a fantasy world. For example, I should be realistic and settle for what sort of house my husband…

  • Christian Encouragement Sunday School Lesson

    Christian Encouragement Sunday School Lesson

    Free Sunday school lesson on Christian encouragement for teens and older. Turn to Psalm 73 (King James Version [KJV])  Many modern Christians are under the impression that people living in sin will have a bad life with little success, while obedience to God will result in an easy life with much success. This is rarely…

  • Why do bad things happen to good people?

    Why do bad things happen to good people?

    Free Sunday School Lesson for ages 10-12, teens, and older.  Why do bad things happen to good people?  This is the age-old question, and it is a question that plagues a lot of immature Christians. It’s the question that Atheists use to discredit God. They like to bring up the argument of children starving and…

  • A Lesson on King Solomon – Foolish Decisions from the Wisest Man

    A Lesson on King Solomon – Foolish Decisions from the Wisest Man

    Free Sunday School lesson on King Solomon for ages 10-12, teens, and older.  Opening question: If you were given a blank check to get anything you wanted, what would you wish for? (Give the kids a chance to answer.)  This exact scenario happened to a man in the Bible. Turn in your bibles to 1…

  • A Tale of Two Sauls – the Hero and the Villain

    A Tale of Two Sauls – the Hero and the Villain

    Free Sunday School Lesson on Saul and Paul in the bible for ages 10-12, teens, and older.  A Tale of Two Sauls – the Hero and the Villain  Intro to lesson: Give students a sheet of paper. Turn the paper horizontal and have them draw a line down the center. On one side, students draw…

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